Modeling Tips from a FORD Model: Marketing Yourself
The modeling industry is a tough, super competitive industry so you have to keep your self marketable 🙂 Here are some tips on how to keep yourself fresh and current.
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Wearing the right shoe to an open call or a casting isn’t as easy as just throwing on a pair of your favorite shoes. There are styles that compliment your body and there are other styles that do the opposite (and we want to avoid that ). SMILE 🙂
Read the restSan Francisco Open Calls
Here’s a list of open calls that happen in San Francisco every week. Always call in advance to confirm these open call times just to make sure they’re still correct. There are more agencies in San Francisco but these are the ones that I’m most familiar with. For tips on how to prepare for open call please watch my video […]
Read the restWhat to wear to Open Call?
Ok, so I did a YouTube video on this same topic but I thought I would also write a little about it as well. I’ve had several people ask me what should they wear to open call and I always tell people to “keep it simple” “less is more”. This seems sort of hard for most […]
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Simple is much better for open call pictures 🙂 (good examples)
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